MONDAY- Food Storage TUESDAY- Organization WEDNESDAY- Family, Home and Pets THURSDAY- Managing Your Money FRIDAY- Freezer Meals SATURDAY- Health and Fitness SUNDAY- Spiritual Thought

Monday, March 21, 2011

Food Storage Tips

Buying food and storing it for emergencies doesn't have to take years and it doesn't have to cost a fortune. Many people also think that they have to rotate everything. This is not true! Here are some tips to get you started without the headache of rotation or a hole in your pocketbook.

1. DO NOT STORE ANYTHING WITH LIQUID.  liquid canned items or anything soaked in a liquid spoils fast. Usually within 2-3 years. However in your pantry you can store a three month supply of things you actually eat. If you do not eat canned fruit then DO NOT STORE THEM! They will go bad and be useless when you need them.

2. HAVE A THREE MONTH SUPPLY OF FOOD IN YOUR PANTRY THAT YOU DO ROTATE. Only store what you eat! Some examples are: Peanut butter, jams, tuna or other canned meat, canned fruit, canned soups, cereals, pasta sauces, etc. These should be foods that you eat all the time so rotating is easy and a no brainer.

3. BUILD UP A 30+ YEAR STORAGE. Here is a list of items that store well for 30+ years if stored correctly.
1. Powdered milk
2. Wheat
3. Rolled oats
4. Rice
5. Freeze dried fruit
6. Dried eggs or butter
7. Sugars including honey
8. Beans
9. Pasta
10. Many more!

4. DO NOT STORE YOUR FOOD STORAGE IN YOUR GARAGE OR SHED. This is a very bad idea because your food will go bad very quickly in the heat.

5. STORE SEEDS. This is a great idea. Having fresh fruits and veggies are essential for good health even in times of crisis.

6. COLLECT FOOD STORAGE BASIC RECIPES. If you store recipes with your food storage you will know what to do with it when you need it.

7 BUY EXTRA. When filling up your pantry 3 month supply just buy extra at the store. The cost will be minimal and your pantry will soon fill up.

8. HAVE A PLAN. When filling up your 30+ year food storage make a food storage calendar. Every payday allot a certain amount to food storage and plan what to buy.

9. BUY IN BULK. This is especially important when building up your 30+ year supply. And will save loads of money.

These are just a few tips out of hundreds! More tips next week.

1 comment:

  1. I can strongly attest to #1!! Did I ever tell you about the older #10 can of peaches that exploded in Derek's closet? One.big.mess. Lesson learned!
